Abbott, E. A.
Adcock, A. St. John
Ainsworth, W. H.
Allen, Grant
Arnold, Matthew
Austen, Jane
Bagehot, Walter
Banfield, E. J.
Banks, Linnaeus
Beeton, Isabella
Bennett, Arnold
Besant, Walter
Bird, I. L.
Birmingham, G. A.
Blackmore, R. D.
Blake, William
Braddon, M. E.
Bridges, Robert
Bronte Sisters
Broughton, Rhoda
Browning, Robert
Burns, Robert
Butler, Samuel
Byron, G. G
Carlyle, Thomas
Carroll, Lewis
Clare, John
Clough, A. H.
Coleridge, S. T.
Collins, Wilkie
Conrad, Joseph
Corelli, Marie
Ccrackanthorpe, Hubert
Craik, Mrs.
Darwin, Charles
De La Ramee
De Vere, A. T.
Dickens, Charles
Disraeli, Benjamin
Doyle, A. C.
Duff-Gordon, Lucie
Eliot, George
Engels, Frederick
Falkner, J. M.
FitzGerald, Edward
Frazer, J. G.
Galsworthy, John
Gaskell, Elizabeth
Gilbert and Sullivan
Gissing, George
Gosse, Edmund
Grand, Sarah
Hardy, Thomas
Hazlitt, William
Hearn, Lafcadio
Hopkins, G. M.
Hudson, W. H.
Hughes, Thomas
Jacob, Violet
Keats, John
Kingsley, Charles
Kipling, Rudyard
Landor, W. S.
Lang, Andrew
Lear, Edward
Le Fanu, J. S.
MacDonald, George
Marryat, Frederick
Martineau, Harriet
Mason, A. E. W.
Meredith, George
Merrick, Leonard
Mill, John Stuart
Moore, George
Moore, Thomas
Morris, William
Morrison, Arthur
Nesbit, Edith
Newman, J. H.
Nichol, John
Oliphant, Margaret
Orczy, Emma
Owen, Robert
Pater, Walter
Patmore, Coventry
Peacock, T. L.
Pope, Alexander
Reade, Charles
Rossetti, D. G.
Ruskin, John
Rutherford, Mark
Scott, Walter
Shaw, G. B.
Shelley, Mary
Shelley, P. B.
Smiles, Samuel
Stephen, Leslie
Stevenson, R. L.
Stoker, Bram
Symons, Arthur
Surtees, R. S.
Swinburne, A. C.
Tennyson, Alfred
Thackeray, W. M.
Thomson, James
Thompson, Francis
Trollope, Anthony
Wells, H. G.
Wilde, Oscar
Wood, Mrs Henry
Wordsworth, William
Yonge, C. M.
Bible, The
Shakespeare, William
(British & Irish)
Bacon, Francis
Barrie, J. M.
Behn, Aphra
Bunyan, John
Burke, Edmund
Burney, Fanny
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Chesterton, G. K.
Cleland, John
Defoe, Daniel
de Quincey, Thomas
Donne, John
Dryden, John
Edgeworth, Maria
Eliot, T. S.
Fielding, Henry
Forster, E. M.
Gay, John
Goldsmith, Oliver
Gower, John
Gray, Thomas
Huxley, Aldous
Jewsbury, M. J.
Johnson, Samuel
Jonson, Ben
Joyce, James
Kyd, Thomas
Lamb, Charles
Lawrence, D. H.
Lyly, John
Marlowe, Christopher
Maugham, W. S.
Milton, John
More, Thomas
Nashe, Thomas
Paine, Thomas
Radcliffe, Ann
Richardson, Samuel
Sheridan, R. B.
Sidney, Philip
Skelton, John
Smollett, Tobias
Spenser, Edmund
Sterne, Laurence
Swift, Jonathan
Synge, J. M.
Walpole, Horace
Walton, Izaak
Webster, John
Wollstonecraft, Mary
Woolf, Virginia
Yeats, W. B.
Adams, Henry
Alcott, L. M.
Alger, Horatio, Jr.
Anderson, Sherwood
Austin, M. H.
Bierce, Ambrose
Burnett, F. H.
Cather, Willa
Chopin, Kate
Cooper, J. F.
Crane, Stephen
Dickinson, Emily
Dreiser, Theodore
Emerson, R. W.
Ferber, Edna
Fitzgerald, Scott
Franklin, Benjamin
Frost, Robert
Garland, Hamlin
Glasgow, Ellen
Harte, Bret
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Henry, O.
Howells, W. D.
Irving, Washington
James, Henry
Lardner, Ring
Lewis, Sinclair
Lindsay, Vachel
London, Jack
Longfellow, H. W.
Masters, E. L.
Melville, Herman
Norris, Frank
O'Neill, Eugene
Poe, Edgar Allan
Reed, John
Robinson, E. A.
Sandburg, C. A.
Seeger, Alan
Sinclair, Upton
Stein, Gertrude
Stowe, Harriet
Teasdale, Sara
Thoreau, H. D.
Twain, Mark
Webster, Jean
Wharton, Edith
Whitman, Walt
Wister, Owen
Select Book
Hand and Soul
The Blessed Damozel
The Burden of Nineveh
Sudden Light
Sister Helen
The Woodspurge
The House of Life
Rose Mary
The White Ship
The King's Tragedy
Christina's Poems
List of Authors
Mitsu Matsuoka
, Graduate School of Humanities, Nagoya University, Japan