Jane Austen


A Hyper-Concordance to the Works of Jane Austen

One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other. (Emma ch. 9)

It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy; it is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others. (Sense and Sensibility vol. 2, ch. 12)

Austen Home Pages

  1. Japan Austen Society
  2. Austen and Piano Music (Karlyn M. Bond)
  3. Austen Goes Europe
  4. Austen.com
  5. Austen-mania
  6. Austinticity: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice - Was Mr. Darcy Real?
  7. Behind the Scenes: Pride and Prejudice
  8. Bibliomania E-texts: Jane Austen
  9. Charades: Rhyming Riddles of Jane Austen's Time
  10. ClassicNotes: Emma
  11. Darcy's Story from Pride and Prejudice (Janet Aylmer)
  12. Elizabeth's Costume List
  13. Guide to the Jane Austen Collection, A (Goucher College's Jane Austen Collection)
  14. Hampshire - the inspirational home of Jane Austen
  15. Jane Austen Campfire Chat
  16. Jane Austen Centre in Bath, The
  17. Jane Austen Information Page (UTEXAS)
  18. Jane Austen - P&P2BB: A Support & Discussion Group
  19. Jane Austen House Museum
  20. Jane Austen Society of North America
  21. Jane Austen's England: A Literary Guide (Footsteps map)
  22. The Calendars Which Support Jane Austen's Prose Narratives
  23. Jane Austen's Cryptograms
  24. Jane 'Persuasion' Austen
  25. Letters of Jane Austen (Brabourne Edition)
  26. Pride & Prejudice Photo Album, A
  27. Republic of Pemberley, The [Literary Companion]
  28. Romance of the Written Word: Focus on Regency & Jane Austen
  29. Seeking Jane Austen
  30. SparkNote: Mansfield Park
  31. SparkNote: Emma
  32. SparkNote: Pride and Prejudice
  33. SparkNote: Sense and Sensibility
  34. University of Texas

    Discussion Groups


    You ought certainly to forgive them as a Christian, but never to admit them in your sight, or allow their names to be mentioned in your hearing. (Pride and Prejudice ch. 57)

    Works and E-texts

    Academic Resources


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    please e-mail me: matsuoka at lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp.
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    Brian Southam, Jane Austen and the Navy (National Maritime Museum)