No. 60 (Autumn 2015)
- Editor's Letter (Helen Smith)
- The Gaskell Society Conference, 17-20 July, Cober Hill, near Scarborough (Helen Smith)
- A Post-Conference Note (Pat and Harry Ellis)
- Lair (Edwin Stockdale)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and the Medical World (J H Ross)
- Marianne (Christine Lingard)
- Murder in Mrs Gaskell Country, Hyde, Cheshire 1831 (J P Lethbridge)
- Gaskell and Sand: two Unlikely Soulmates (John Greenwood)
- Gaskelliana for the Twenty-First Century (Fran Baker)
- A message received on 8 May 2015 (Christine Grocott and Judith Bottriell)
- Time for Some Light Relief: 'Gaskell' on the Silver Screen (Christie Lingard)
- The AGM and Literary Weekend of the ALS 30 May 2015 (Janet Kennerley)
- Forthcoming Events
- Autumn General Meeting
- Annual General Meeting 2016
- North-West Group
- The Gaskell Society South-West
- London and South-East Group
- Sesquicentennial Events
No. 59 (Spring 2015)
- Editorfs Letter (Helen Smith)
- Charitable Works (Doreen Pleydell)
- Domestic Medicine: with some notes about Mercury Treatment (Angus Easson)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Charles Thurstan Holland ? another Liverpool connection (A. J. Larner)
- Victorian Women Novelists, Gossip and Creativity (Brenda McKay)
- The Gaskell Broadwood Piano of 1853 (Tim Austin)
- Marianne and her family in Worcestershire (Jean Alston)
- Italy in the Footsteps of Elizabeth Gaskell (Christine Bhatt)
- North and South: an Experience (Helen Shay)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Book Review (Helen Smith)
- Forthcoming Events
- Gaskell Society AGM 2015
- Autumn General Meeting
- North-West Group
- The Gaskell Society South-West
- London and South-East Group
- Alliance of Literary Societies AGM 2015
No. 58 (Autumn 2014)
- Editorfs Letter (Helen Smith)
- Primitive, Cheap and Bracing: the Gaskells in the Alps (Christine Lingard)
- Corrections (Edwin Stockdale)
- Railways: the Naming of the Train (Alan Shelston)
- John Geoffrey Sharps (Heather Sharps)
- The Murillo Trail of eWoman Drinkingf (Pat Barnard)
- A Very Modern Marriage (Ann Brooks and Bryan Haworth)
- In Praise of the Independent Singleton (John Greenwood)
- F.E. Bache: a Brief Life (John Chapple)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Henry James (Alan Shelston)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Gaskell Study Tour to Worcester , Bromyard and surrounding areas ? 20 to 22 May 2014 (Jean Alston)
- A Note of Thanks (Rosemary Donaldson)
- Alliance of Literary Societies AGM 2014 (Janet Allan)
- A Week-end with Mrs Gaskell and Mr Dickens: 12-14 September 2014
- Forthcoming Society Events
- Autumn Meeting
- North-West Group
- Annual General Meeting 2015
- The Gaskell Society South-West
- London and South-East Group
No. 57 (Spring 2014)
- Editorfs Letter (Helen Smith)
- Asya and Phillis: Comparisons and Contradictions (Ian M. Emberson)
- Gaskellians (Rosemary Donaldson)
- The Power of Fiction (Doreen Pleydell)
- To Tuscany with Murray (Christine Lingard)
- Nineteenth-Century Education: Parity for the Sexes? (Angus Easson)
- Ruth and the Governess Question (Elizabeth Williams)
- Lionizing Elizabeth Gaskell: The Gaskell Journal goes On-line (Nancy Weyant)
- Who was Louy Jackson? (Jenny Keaveney)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Thomas Glover (Pauline Kiggins)
- A Distant Connection (Pam Griffiths)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Alliance of Literary Societies AGM 2014
- Forthcoming Events
- Annual General Meeting
- Autumn Meeting
- North-West Group
- The Gaskell Society South-West
- London and South-East Group
No. 56 (Autumn 2013)
- Editor's Letter (Helen Smith)
- Joan Leach Memorial Essay Prize
- The Gaskell Society Conference 19-22 July, Stratford Manor Hotel, near Stradford-upon-Avon (Helen Smith)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Shawls: Creative Artistry and Identity (Alison Lundie)
- The Seamstress (Christine Lingard)
- The Connection between Elizabeth Gaskell, Charles Eliot Norton and Autumn Leaves by John Everett Millais (Pat Barnard)
- 'Such a life': Elizabeth Gaskell and Charlotte Bronë (Patsy Stoneman)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Honorë de Balzac (John Greenwood)
- 'Trawling Private Accounts out to the Public Gaze': Answers and Problems (Angus Easson)
- The Uncertainty of Endings (Alan Shelston)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Keeping in Touch (Jean M Layton)
- Idyll and Reality: a Weekend with George Eliot, 13-15 September 2013
- Autumn General Meeting
- North-West Group
- The Gaskell Society South-West
- London and South-East Branch
No. 55 (Spring 2013)
- Editor's Letter (Helen Smith)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Food (Shirley Foster)
- George Richmond 1809-1896 and his portrait of Elizabeth Gaskell (Pat Barnard)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and George Eliot: siblings spoilt cream-jugs, torn dresses, farm labourers, the judgment of Solomon, and the outward gaze (Barbara Hardy)
- Margaret Emily Gaskell (Ann O'Brien)
- Belonging (Doreen Pieydell)
- Former President Professor JAV Chapple remembers. . .
- A Tale of Two Elizabeths
- Mrs Charles Holland (From the Inquirer 2 Apl 1892)
- Gaskell study tour to Boston, September 2012 (Christine Bhatt)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Rome (Robin Allan)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- The Gaskells' House Report (Janet Allan)
- Annual General Meeting 2013
- Autumn General Meeting
- North-West Group
- The Gaskell Society South-West
- London and South-East Branch
No. 54 (Autumn 2012)
- Editor's Letter (Helen Smith)
- Presidential Address (Shirley Foster)
- An Appreciation of Alan, now Former President (Elizabeth Williams)
- Mary Syner: A Personal Tribute (Alan Shelston)
- Life before the Gaskell Society (Doreen Pleydell)
- 'That Unfrequented Stone Hall': Elizabeth Gaskell and Tabley Old Hall (Sarah Webb)
- Mrs Gaskell, Haunts, Homes and Stories (Ellis H. Chadwick, Isaak Pitman and Sons)
- London Looks at Charlotte and Elizabeth: "The Life of Charlotte Brontë" - A Reading Day (Katharine Solomon)
- The Two Elizabeths (Alan Shelston)
- What a Single Word Can Do (Alan Shelston)
- A Brief Account of Illustrated Editions of Elizabeth Gaskell's Works (Emma Marigliano)
- Casa Guidi, Florence (Pauline Kiggins)
- Away from It All (Christine Lingard)
- Gaskell - Nightingale Tour, 30 May, 2012 (Jean Alston)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Alliance of Literary Societies AGM Weekend, 12-13 May 2012 (Lynda Stephens)
- Exciting News from 84 Plymouth Grove (Janet Allan)
- Forthcoming Events
- The Gaskell Society South-West
- London and South-East Branch
- Academy Service
No. 53 (Spring 2012)
- Editor's Letter (Helen Smith)
- Dickens Bicentenary (Alan Shelston)
- A Gynaecologist Looks at Mrs Gaskell (James Drife)
- Uncle Peter and Cousin Henry (Craig Thornber)
- Ford Madox Brown: Pre-Raphaelite Pioneer (Pat Barnard)
- Death in Leamington Spa? (Christine Lingard)
- Controversy at Cross Street: Was George Eliot Guilty of Plagiarism? (Shirley Foster)
- Moorland Cottage (Jo Pryke)
- Maria Andreanszky 1910-2011 (Stella Luce)
- Visit to Warrington 28 September 2011 (Philip Morey)
- Gaskell 20 Questions Quiz: The Answers
- Greenheys Opening Event (Helen Smith)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- The Gaskells' House Report (Janet Allan)
- Alliance of Literary Societies
- Forthcoming Events
- The Gaskell Society South-West
- London and South-East Group
- The North-West Group
No. 52 (Autumn 2011)
- Gaskell 20 Questions Quiz
- Editor's Letter (Helen Smith)
- Thoughts of Chairman Ann (Ann O'Brien)
- Gaskell Society Conference 2011 (Janet Cunliffe-Jones)
- Beau Geste
- With Gaskell in Naples (Alan Shelston)
- Cranford in Crewe (Helen Smith)
- Elizabeth Rosemary Trevor Dabbs: 8 July 1922 - 28th September 2010 (Sarah Prince)
- Elizabeth Gaskell's Encounters with the Internet Technology of the 21st Century (Nancy S. Weyant)
- A Dear Good Valuable Friend (Christine Lingard)
- Two Encounters with ECG (Doreen Pleydell)
- Happy 20th Birthday! (Fran Twinn)
- Thank You (Elizabeth Williams)
- Friends of Plymouth Grove: Update (Janet Allan)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Alliance of Literary Societies AGM 2011 (Lynda Stephens)
- Summer Evening Meetings of The Gaskell Society in Knutsford (Janet Kennerley)
- The Gaskell Society South-West
- London and South-East Group
- The North-West Group
No. 51 (Spring 2011)
- Editor's Letter (Helen Smith)
- Joan Leach: Our Honorary Secretary from 1985-2010 (Elizabeth Williams; Rev Jean Bradley: Katharine Solomon: Janie Briggs; Pam Griffiths: Dudley Green;
Shirley Foster; Christine Bhatt; Pat Heath; Masuko Adachi)
- Una Box, who died 14 November, 2010, aged 71 years (Jean Alston)
- A Glimpse into the Preparations for the Memorialisation of Elizabeth Gaskell in Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey on 25 September 2010 (Ann Waddington)
- London Weekend, 24-26 September 2010
- Can you Help?
- Corrigenda to Autumn Newsletter 2010
- Friends of Plymouth Grove: Update
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- The Alliance of Literary Societies (Janet Kennerley)
- The Autumn General Meeting 2011
- North West Group
- Yorkshire Group 2011
- The Gaskell Society South-West
- The London and South-East Group
- Autumn Meeting
No. 50 (Autumn 2010)
- Joan Leach (Janet Allan)
- "Such Happy Days As My Schooldays Were": Elizabeth Gaskell and Warwickshire (Elizabeth M. Cox)
- Archibald Stanton Whitfield 1899-1974 (Phillip Ray)
- Alliance of Literary Societies (Helen D. Newman)
- Conference, 2011
- An Italian Bicentenary Event
- Brief Lives: Elizabeth Gaskell
- Gaskell Collection, Manchester Central Library
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Beyond the Bonnets!
- Autumn Bicentenary Events
- A Report from Plymouth Grove
- Lottery Development Grant Awarded
- Improvements to the Groud Floor
- 2010 Events
- Meetings at Cross Street Chapel, Manchester
- North West Group
- London and South East Group
- South-West Group
- Yorkshire Branch
No. 49 (Spring 2010)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Elizabeth Gaskell's London (Christine Lingard)
- A Tale of Two Celebrations: Elizabeth Gaskell and Lev Tolstoy (Katherine Jane Briggs)
- Vernon Lushington: Mrs Gaskell's 'Cousin'
- The Death of Elizabeth Gaskell reported
- Exciting times ahead at Brook Street Chapel
- Emily White 1925-2010
- The Alliance of Literary Societies (Kenn Oultram)
- Gaskell Study Day at Sheffield
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- A Report on progress at Plymouth Grove (Janet Allan)
- North West Group
- London and South-East Group
- South-West Group
- Yorkshire Group
No. 48 (Autumn 2009)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Elizabeth Gaskell 2010 (Alan Shelston)
- Elizabeth Gaskell's Paternal Grandparents (John Chapple)
- Charles Allen Du Val/C A Duval: Artist & Photographer, 1803-1872 (Nicky Clark)
- The Death of Elizabeth Gaskell (John Ross)
- Photos in Geneva (Time Austin)
- Pregress at 84 Plymouth Grove (Janet Allen)
- The 2009 AGM/Weekend of the Alliance of Literary Societies (Nanet Kennerley)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Brussels Brontë Group: Annual Brontë Weekend
- North West Group
- London and South-East Group
- Yorkshire Group
- South-West Group
- Gaskell Bicentenary Year 2010
No. 47 (Spring 2009)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Gaskell and the Theatre (Christine Lingard)
- A Newly-Discovered Letter of Introduction Returns to England (Nancy S. Weyant)
- Skelwith (Christine Lingard)
- A Model for Lady Ludlow (Joan Leach)
- Friends of Plymouth Grove (Ann O'Brien)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- AGM Meeting
- North West Group
- London and South-East Group
- South West Group
- Yorkshire Branch Group
- Alliance of Literary Societies News
- New Member Societies
- AGM and Literary Weekend
No. 46 (Autumn 2008)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Papers of the Green & Jamison Families (Fran Baker)
- Notes from the Exhibition: Art Treasures in Manchester: 150 years on (Ann O'Brien)
- The Recollections of a Victorian Gentlewoman (Marie Moss)
- Tour in Scottish Lowlands, 7-11 July, 2008 (Jean Alston)
- Friends of Plymouth Grove (Ann O'Brien)
- The 2008 AGM of the Alliance of Literary Societies (Janet Kennerley)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Autumn General Meeting
- London and South-East Group
- Yorkshire Group
- North West Group
- The Gaskell Society South-West
No. 45 (Spring 2008)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Mary Holland and Anne Marsh Caldwell (John Chapple)
- The BBC and "Cranford" (Malcolm Pittock)
- Gaskell and Music (Christine Lingard)
- The Green Letters (Joan Leach)
- A Transatlantic Friendship: Elizabeth Gaskell and Charles Eliot Norton (Elizabeth Schlenther with Boyd Schlenther)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Friends of Plymouth Grove
- The Alliance of Literary Societies
- North West Group
- Yorkshire Branch
- The Gaskell Society South-West
- The London and South-East Group
No. 44 (Autumn 2007)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- The Papers of J. G. Sharps (Fran Baker)
- Visit to Bamford country 9th June, 2007 (Adrienne Stennett)
- A letter from Bamford, probably to William Gaskell (Robert Poole)
- The Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition (Ann O'Brien)
- Elizabeth Gaskell's Guests To The Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition
- Mary Barton as a school prize
- Report from Plymouth Grove (Ann O'Brien)
- The 2007 AGM of The Alliance of Literary Societies (Janet Kennerley)
- The BBC and Cranford
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- North West Branch
- London and South East Branch
- South-West Branch
- Yorkshire Branch
No. 43 (Spring 2007)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- John Geoffrey Sharps (Heather Sharps)
- Gabibaldi at Caprera (Alan Shelston)
- The Gaskell Society Visit to Rome, 18 September - 24 September 2006 (Peter Skrine)
- Antonio Gallenga (Christine Lingard)
- The Sorrows of Young Philip (Ian M. Emberson)
- 84 Plymouth Grove
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Manchester Regional History Review (Joan Leach)
- London and South East Group
- North West Group
- The Yorkshire Branch of the Society
- South-West Branch
No. 42 (Autumn 2006)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- My Visit to Japan (Joan Leach)
- Visit to Ashbourne, Alstonefield and the Hope House Costume Museum, 5th July 2006 (Jean Alston)
- Cranford Houses (Joan Leach)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Mrs Gaskell and the OED (Part 2) (Christine Lingard)
- Visit to Plymouth Grove on Monday 5 June 2006 by Members of The Bronté Society (Coreen Turner)
- Recent Events at Plymouth Grove (Ann Waddington)
- The Next Gaskell Conference (23-30 July 2007)
- Society Events in the North-West
- North-West Group
- The Yorkshire Branch of the Society
- London and South-East Group
- South West Group
- Autumn Meeting
No. 41 (Spring 2006)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- John Geoffrey Sharps (1936-2006) and Gaskell Studies (John A. V. Chapple)
- Memories and Tributes to John Geoffrey Sharps
- Recollections of Plymouth Grove
- Gaskell in Translation: A Summary (Christine Lingard)
- Letters Relating to The Life of Charlotte Bronté (Joan Leach)
- Gaskell Society Members at Buckingham Palace (Fran Twinn)
- Mrs Gaskell and the OED
- Sylvia's Lovers (Joan Leach)
- Two Books about the Bronté (Elizabeth Williams)
- 84 Plymouth Grove - The Gaskell House
- At Cross Street Chapel Manchester
- North-West Group
- The Yorkshire Branch of the Society
- London and South-East Group
- South West Group
- Alliance of Literary Societies
- Whitby Caedmon Literary Festival
No. 40 (Autumn 2005)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- The Cober Hill Conspiracy
- Manchester Conference Reviewed (Alan Shelston)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Dickens in All the Year Round (Deborah Wynne)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and the Isle of Man (Peter Skrine)
- John Ashton Nicholls in Boston (John Chapple)
- The Alliance of Literary Societies
- A Forgotten Wedding Custom and Jane Eyre (Ian M Emberson)
- The Lake District in the Footsteps of Elizabeth Gaskell (Mary Clark)
- Plymouth Grove
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Annual Supplement to Elizabeth Gaskell: An Annotated Guide to English-Language Sources (Nancy S Weyant)
- The Yorkshire Branch of The Gaskell Society
- North-West Group Programme
- The South-West Group
- London and South-East Group
- Invitation to Carlyle Society Meeting in Edinburgh on 24th September
- Mary Barton: The Opera
No. 39 (Spring 2005)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Scientists in Wives and Daughters (Christine Lingard)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Dickens in All the Year Round (Deborah Wynne)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- North and South on BBC TV
- A Forgotten Wedding Custom (Jenny Uglow)
- A Visit to Japan (Alan Shelston)
- Lancaster Visit (Mary Clark)
- Lancaster Grand Theatre
- 84 Plymouth Grove
- General Meetings
- North West Group
- The London and South-East Group
- The South-West Group
- Group Meetings in York and Edinburth
- Residential Course on Gaskell and Bronte Theme
- The Charles Lamb Society
No. 38 (Autumn 2004)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Brian Hechle (Dudley Green)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Tennyson: A Footnote (Alan Shelston)
- Samuel Holland and Liverpool (Christine Lingard)
- Visit to Liverpool
- Friends of Plymouth Grove: Update
- American Members Aid to Plymouth Grove Appeal
- The Oxford Visit 23-24 June 2004: A Personal View (Marie Moss)
- Visit to Worcester and Stratford-upon-Avon 5th-8th July 2004 (Janet Kennerley)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Victorian Literary Quiz Book (Elizabeth Williams)
- Autumn Meetings
- North West Programme
- Meetings at Cross Street Chapel, Manchester
- The Gaskell Society South-West
- The London and South-East Group
- Inaugural Scottish Meeting
- The Visual Life of Elizabeth Gaskell
No. 37 (Spring 2004)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Tennyson (J. A. V. Chapple)
- Haworth through Unfamiliar Eyes (Frances Twinn)
- Gaskell's Works Now Searchable via New Hyper-Concordance (Nancy S. Weyant)
- Mrs Gaskell and Mrs Fergusson: A New Connection (Alan Shelston)
- A Gaskell Portrait?
- Alliance of Literary Societies AGM 24th April
- The North West Group
- The Gaskell Society Postal Bookstall
- Book Notes
- For Jane Austen Fans
- AGM Meeting at Cross Street Chapel, Manchester (3 April 2004)
- The Gaskell Society South-West
- The London and South-East Group
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Manchester (19-21 July 2005)
No. 36 (Autumn 2003)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- And What of Sylvia? (Christine Lingard)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Macclesfield (Marie Moss)
- Editing Elizabeth Gaskell's Letters (John Chapple)
- Here we go Round the mulberry bush
- Elizabeth Gaskell and the American Civil War (Muriel Smith)
- Bookstall Notes
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- The Literary North West - The Cross Street Chapel Talks
- The Gaskell Society South West
- London and South East Group
- Autumn Meeting in Knutsford at St. John's Parish Church Rooms
- Unitarian College Manchester 1854-2004
No. 35 (Spring 2003)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Mrs. Gaskell and the 'Climbing Boys' (Marjorie Cox)
- A Note on Elizabeth Gaskell's Visit to The Mount (Marie Moss)
- The Frozen North: Some Links with Sylvia's Lovers (Christine Lingard)
- Manchester Botanist? (Jane Wilson)
- The Gaskell Trip to Brittany (Sheila Stephenson and Jean Hockenhull)
- The Alliance of Literary Societies AGM
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Gaskell Society North-West
- Forthcoming Events
- Gaskell Society South-West
- Forthcoming Programme
- Gaskell Society London and South-East
No. 34 (Autumn 2002)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Obituary: Arthur Pollard (John Chapple)
- Wilmots (Christine Lingard)
- In Pursuit of Madame de Sévigné (Muriel Smith)
- Good Dog Fanny and Tuft the Canary, with other Stories, all True (John Chapple)
- Manchester Botanists (Joan Leach)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- North West Group
- Forthcoming Meetings
- Literature Courses in the North West
- General Autumn Meeting: 28th September, 2002
- Gaskell Society - South-West: Excursion to Penzance
- The London and South-East Group
No. 33 (Spring 2002)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- On the Trail of Madame de Sévigné (John Chapple)
- The Gaskells' Shawls (Janet Allan)
- A Centenary Event and a Bi-Centenary Proposal (Janet Allan)
- HELP PLEASE! (Elizabeth Rye)
- Samuel Laurence 1812-1884 (Joan Leach)
- Caroline Holland (1835-1909) (John A. V. Chapple)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- The London and South-East Group: 2002 Programme
- South-West Group: Programme
- General Meetings in the North West
No. 32 (Autumn 2001)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- 84 Plymouth Grove (Janet Allan)
- The Gaskell's Bequests (Janet Allan)
- Bellingham (Muriel Smith)
- Bank Street Unitarian Chapel, Bolton (Christine Lingard)
- The Gaskells, Popular Education & the Free Library Movement (Christine Lingard)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- South-West Group
- London and South East Group
- Knutsford and Manchester Meetings
- Group Visits 2001
No. 31 (March 2001)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Tributes to Barbara Brill (Janet Allan, Alan Shelston, Irene Whiltshire, and Joan Leach)
- The Gaskells, Popular Education & the Free Library Movement (Christine Lingard)
- 'Peccavi' (Peter Skrine)
- Charles Perrault, Madame D'Aulnoy, and 'Curious, if True' (John Chapple)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Alliance of Literary Societies Report
- Forthcoming Events
- Alliance of Literary Societies AGM
- London and South East Group
No. 30 (August 2000)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Visiting Belgium, 11th - 15th May 2000 (Jackie Horsfield)
- Following The Brontës in Brussels - May 2000 (Dudley Green)
- Travelling the literary Trail (Marie Moss)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- O'Farrell, M. A., Telling complexions: the nineteenth-century English novel and the blush (Duke University Press, £11.95)
- Sue Lonoff (ed. and trans.), Brontë Charlotte and Emily: The Belgian essays a critical edition (Yale University Press, 1996)
- Meynell, Dame Alix, What grandmother said: the life of Alice Dowson, 1844-1927 based on her diaries by her grandmother (Colt Books, £25)
- Jennifer Foster (ed.), Mary Barton (Broadview Literary Press, Ontario)
- Graham Handley (ed.), Wives and Daughters (Everyman Gaskell Series, Dent, £4.99)
- Literary Walk of Southwark - 19th August, 2000
- Knutsford Meetings (Elizabeth Williams)
- Gaskell Society Southwest Group Report on Spring Activities 2000 (Rosemary Marshall)
- Manchester Meetings at Cross Street Chapel
- London and South-East Branch
- Barbara brill's "At Home with Elizabeth Gaskell"
- Tennyson and Gaskell
- Two Events at The British Library
- Progress on The Gaskell House - Plymouth Grove (Janet Allan)
- Stop Press
No. 29 (February 2000)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Adapting Wives and Daughters (Andrew Davies)
- Who was Miss Fergusson? (Jean Lindsay)
- Omnibus - A Diary of our Days on Location (Jean Hockenhull and Sheila Stephenson)
- Marianne North (Barbara Brill)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Katherine Ann Wildt (Saint Louis University), Elizabeth Gaskell's use of color in her industrial novels and short stories (University Press of America)
- Alison Chapman (ed.), Elizabeth Gaskell: Mary Barton; North and South (Icon Critical Guides, £7.99)
- Lancashire Dialect and the Greyt Eggshibishun (John Chapple)
- A Dark Night's Work at inverary Jail
- Membership Update
- South-West Group Meetings (Rosemary Marshall)
- Meetings at Cross Street Chapel
- Manchester Spring Meeting at Cross Street Chapel (Saturday 8th April)
- Knutsford Meetings
- Internet News
- Knutsford Literature Festival 2000
- London and South East Group
No. 28 (August 1999)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- The Gaskell Society Conference: The London Experience, 23 July - 26 July 1999 (Maureen Horner and Barbara Miller)
- William Gaskell and the Pressures of Work (Alan Shelston)
- Gaskell Society South West Group: Report of Meeting on 6 May 1999
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Patrick Brantlinger, The Reading Lesson: the threat of mass literacy in nineteenth century British fiction (Bloomington and Indanapolis: Indiana University Press, £15.99)
- John Gross (ed.), The New Oxford Book of English Prose (Oxford University Press, £25.00)
- Charlotte Mitchell and Caroline Clive, Victorian fiction research guide 28 (University of Queensland)
- Links in a Chain that Connect Elizabeth Gaskell with Marianne North (Barbara Brill)
- South of England Branch
- Paper Proposals are Invited for the 2000 meeting of the Research Society of Victorian Periodicals, "Victorian Encounters: Editors and Readers", to be held in London on 20-22 July 2000.
No. 27 (February 1999)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Gawthorpe Hall Exhibition: Brontë-Gaskell-Kay-Shuttleworth (Heather Sharps)
- Elizabeth Gaskell à Paris (Peter Skrine)
- In The Footsteps of Elizabeth Gaskel - PARIS: 17-22 September 1998 (Dudley Green)
- The Tenth Annual Gaskell Society Meeting in Tokyo: From a Speaker's Viewpoint (Andrew Sanders)
- South West of England Branch Report (Rosemary Marshall)
- A (not) Imaginary Conversation Between a 'Lady of Quality' & Mrs Gaskell (John Chapple)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- John Pack, War, the Army and Victorian Literature (Macmillan, £42.50)
- Tim Dolin, Mistress of the House: Women of Property in the Victorian Novel (Ashgate, £37.25)
- Anne Hogan and Andrew Bradstock (ed.), Women of Faith in Victorian Culture: Reassessing the Angel in the House (Macmillan, £42.50)
- Harriet Devine Jump (ed.), Nineteenth-Century Short Stories by Women (Routledge, £14.99)
- Olga Kenyon, Women's Voices: Their Lives and Loves Through Two Thousand Years of Letters (Constable, £18.95)
- Graham Storey, Pilgrim Edition of the Letters of Charles Dickens Vol.10, 1862-1864 (Clarendon Press, £65)
- Megan Perigoe, Metaphors of Change in the Language of Nineteenth-Century Fiction: Scott, Gaskell and Kingsley (Clarendon Press, £35)
- Preliminary Notice
- South of England Branch 1999 Programme
- GL.328 to George Smith, Dec 29 1856.
No. 26 (August 1998)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Gawthorpe Hall and the Gaskell Connection (Heather Sharps)
- Membership Renewals
- Thoughts about the Brontës (Bernard C Mayston)
- 'Curious, if True': Le Petit Poucet and Tom Thumb. A Case of Mistaken Identity? (Irene Wiltshire)
- The Gaskell Society of Japan
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Suzanne Keen, Victorian Renovations of the Novel: Narrative Annexes and the Boundaries of Representation (Cambridge UP)
- Elisabeth Jay (ed.), The Life of Charlotte Brontë (Penguin)
- Deirdre D'Albertis, Dissembling Fictions: Elizabeth Gaskell and the Victorian Social Text (Macmillan)
- Megan Perigoe Stitt, Metaphors of Change in the Language of Nineteenth Century Fiction (Scott)
- Stephen Harbottle, Reverend William Turner: Dissent and Reform in Georgian Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Northern Universities Press)
- Pamela Hirsh, Barbara Bodichon: A Life (Chatto and Windus)
- French Translations of Gaskell (Christine Lingard)
- Cross Street Chapel (Joan Leach)
- Circular Notes (Muriel Smith)
- Alliance of Literary Societies AGM (Kenn Outram)
- The Gaskell Society's Monthly Meetings
- London and South East Group
No. 25 (March 1998)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Sylvia's lovers: The First Japanese Translation (Tatsuhiro Ohno)
- Elizabeth and William Gaskell's Honeymoon in Aber, September 1832 (Jean Lindsay)
- Elizabeth Gaskell's First Music Book (J A V Chapple)
- Charades and Amateur Theatricals (Barbara Brill)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Robin B Colby, "Some appointed work to do": women and vocation in the fiction of Elizabeth Gaskell (Greenwood Press)
- J B Bullen (ed.), Writing and Victorianism
- Juliet Barker (ed.), The Brontë: a life in letters (Viking)
- Membership Renewals
No. 24 (September 1997)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- "The Well of Penmorfa" (Dewi Williams)
- Notes on The Moorland Cottage and Other Stories, World's Classics p/b edn 1995 (Muriel Smith)
- The Recording of Mrs Gaskell's North & South, BBC Radio 4 (Delia Corrie)
- Cross Street Chapel (Geoffrey Head, Chairman of Trustees)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Josephine Guy, The Victorian Social-problem Novel; the Market, the Individual and the Communal (1996)
- Cecil Y. Lang (ed.), The Letters of Matthew Arnold Vol. 1 (1829-1859) (The University of Virginia Press, 1996)
- Elizabeth Deedes Ermarth, The English Novel in History 1840-1895 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1997)
- John Chapple, Elizabeth Gaskell: the Early Years (Manchester University Press, 1997)
- One Day in Heppenheim (Joan Leach)
- Summer Outings (Joan Leach)
No. 23 (March 1997)
- Editor's Letter by Joan Leach
- A Study of Mrs Gaskell's Handwriting by Caroline Arnaud
- Humour in Mrs Gaskell's Letters (1) by Graham Handley
- The Royal Literary Fund by J A V Chapple
- Book Notes by Christine Lingard
- Kate Flint (ed.), Victorian Love Stories: An Oxford Anthology (Oxford University Press, 1996)
- Maggie Ollerenshaw, Talking Classics: The World's Great Novels on CD or Cassette - Vol 67 Mary Barton (An Orbis Classics Collection, 1996)
- Anna Unsworth, Elizabeth Gaskell: An Independent Woman (Minerva Press, 1996)
- 84 Plymouth Grove by J A V Chapple & Joan Leach
- Programme for Londn & South East Group
- Forthoming Events
No. 22 (August 1996)
- Editor's Letter
- Alliance of Literary Societies
- Behind the Scenes: Sources and Contexts (J. A. V. Chapple)
- Private Voices: The Diaries of Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell and Sophia Isaac Holland (eds. Ania C. Wilson & J. A. Chapple, Keele University Press)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Joseph W. Childers, Novel Possibilities, Fiction and the Formation of Early Victorian Culture (University of Pennsylvania Press)
- Patrician Ingham, The Language of Gender and Class: Transformation in the Victorian Novel (Routlege and Kegan Paul)
- Deborah Epstein Nord, Walking the Victorian Streets, Women, Representation and the City (Cornell University Press)
- First Meeting That Led To Lasting Friendships (Barbara Brill)
- RIVISTA DI STUDI VITTORIANI (a new Journal published quarterly from the Centre of Victorian and Edwardian Studies at Pescara University)
- Elizabeth Gaskell and Manchester (26 April 1997)
- Holiday in Germany (6-12 May 1997)
- Monthly Meetings in Knutsford
- New Year Lunch
- London & South East Group
No. 21 (March 1996)
- Editor's Letter
- Mrs Gaskell and Charles Eliot Norton (Graham Handley)
- Meeting Mrs Jane Whitehill (J. Geoffrey Sharps)
- Wives and Daughters -- A New Conclusion (Pamela Sharps)
- Juliet Barker, The Brontes (Roy Winstanley)
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
- Terence Wright, Elizabeth Gaskell 'We are Not Angels'; Realism, Gender, Values (St Martin's Press)
- Suzanne Lewis (ed.), Moorland Cottage and Other Stories (World's Classics, OUP)
- Jenny Uglow (ed.), Curious, if True: Strange Tales by Mrs Gaskell (Virago Modern Classics)
- Kate Flint, Elizabeth Gaskell (Northcote House)
- Constance D. Harsh, Subversive Heroines: Feminist Resolutions of Social Crisis in the Condition of English Novel (University of Michigan Press)
- 321104 -- Separate Spheres
- Cultural and Political Perspectives in "An Italian Institution" by E. Gaskell
- The Spectator -- 24th February 1996: Books on Tape review by Robert Cooper
- South of England Branch 1996 Meetings
No. 20 (August 1995)
- Editor's Letter (Joan Leach)
- Ghost Stories
- New Light on Elizabeth Gaskell and her Family (J. A. V. Chapple)
- A Day with the Engineers (Extract from The Life of Sir David Brewster)
- North and South on Audio Tape
- South of England Branch
- Book Notes (Christine Lingard)
--Ruth Y. Jenkins, Reclaiming Myths of Power: Women and the Victorian Spiritual Crisis (London and Toronto: Associated University Presses)
- Gaskell Collection in Manchester
- The Charlotte M. Young Society
- The Martineau Society
- Reminder

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