The Gaskell Society: Contents
But I, who have purposely compared Elizabeth Gaskell with her most ornate contemporary, dare to prophesy that when criticism has sifted all out, she will come to her own, as a woman of genius, sweetly proportioned as a statue, yet breathing; one of these writers we call by that vain word--so vain, so pathetic even when used of the greatest poet--'immortal.'
(Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch)
LEFT: Watercolour of Elizabeth Gaskell by Meta
RIGHT: William Gaskell photographed by Rupert Potter
Officers and Committee, 2003-4
- President John A. V. Chapple
- Vice-Presidents
- Chairwoman Janet Allan
- Vice-Chairwoman Jo Pryke
- Hon. Secretary Joan Leach, Far Yew Tree House, Over Tabley, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 0HN, tel 01565 634668, e-mail
- Hon. Treasurer Brian Williams, 15 Cawley Avenue, Culcheth, Warrington, WA3 4DF, e-mail:
- Membership Secretary Miss Christine Lingard, 5 Moran Crescent, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9JJ, e-mail
- Committee Members
- Jean Alston
- Mary Clarke
- Dudley Green
- Marie Moss
- David Moulson
- Mary Syner
- Jane Thomson
- Frances Twinn
- Elizabeth Williams
- Journal Editor Mrs. Jo Pryke, 1A Dee Hills Park, Chester, CH3 5AR
Tel/fax 01244 322610, e-mail
- Editorial advisory group Janet Allan, Alan Shelston, Mary Syner, Elizabeth Williams
Enquiries about the Gaskell Society should be directed to the Secretary, Mrs Joan Leach, Far Yew Tree House, Over Tabley, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 0HN. The subscription rates are as
follows: individual membership (UK and within the EC), £12.00 per annum; corporate membership (UK and within the EC), £12.00. Joint membership £16.00, and life membership £150.00. Overseas individual and corporate membership (outside the EC) is £16.00. Overseas membership, if paid directly, must be paid in sterling, but members living in the United States and Canada who prefer to pay their subscriptions in US dollars may send the sum of $24.00 to Mrs Lucy Magruder, Box 1267, Tubac, AZ 85646-2971. Phone: (520) 398-8587. E-mail: In addition to The Gaskell Society Journal members of the Society also receive, free of charge, its bi-annual Newsletter, which gives full information about its programme, including its Manchester, Knutsford and London meetings and a wide range of events through the year.
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